1-UP Video Games A 1-UP mushroom from the Mario series of console games by Nintendo. |
3D Table Hobbies A simple foreshortened table. Notes: These were the hallmark of Mark Kistler's The Secret City educational art program back in the '80s. The color version was made utilizing MS Paint 6.1's new brushes, to simulate the look of a hand-pencilled drawing. |
7-Up General A 7-Up can, modeled after the Diet Coke ship. Quote: "Crystal-clean, no caffeine." |
ABC General A wooden letter block, with the letters L and A visible. Notes: I added the E for the color version. |
Aces Wild Games The ace of spades. Notes: The A's were added in the color version. |
Aes Sedai Literature The ancient symbol of Aes Sedai, from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time book series. It represents the two halves of the True Source, female saidar and male saidin, that drive the Wheel. |
AFLAC! Television, Animals The duck from the Aflac Insurance TV ads. Quote: "AFLAC!" |
Air Mail General A box with a shipping label on it. Notes: I added the up arrows to the color image. |
Akira-class Star Trek U.S.S. Thunderchild NCC-63549, Star Trek: First Contact. Notes: I used the Star Trek Encyclopedia, the Star Trek: Starship Spotter, and many an issue of Star Trek: The Magazine for reference when making these ships, and when I went back to do color. They aren't all perfect, of course, due to XPilot's shipshape limitations. |
Alien Lander Video Games The Lander alien from the Midway (formerly Williams Electronics) classic arcade coin-op Defender. |
Ambassador-class Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C, "Yesterday's Enterprise" (TNG). Notes: The Star Trek ships used to have 'Starship' as part of the ship name, but ones like this just had names that were too long, so I shortened them. |
AND Gate Technology An AND logic gate; the Boolean form is A•B. Notes: The colors I used for the logic gates are similar to those in The Island of Dr. Brain's logic gates puzzle. |
Anglachel Literature Later called Gurthang, this was the name of Turin Turambar's sword in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. Notes: The sword in question was made of "meteoric iron", hence the dark color. |
Apple General The logo of Apple Computer. Notes: This one is for Steve Jobs; may he rest in peace. |
Arachnoid I Arthropoids Arachnoid's first ship, originally called Hornet I. Notes: For consistency, all of Spider's ships are colored blue, and all the Insectoids green. |
Arachnoid II Arthropoids Arachnoid's second ship, originally called Hornet II. Notes: The ship was reduced in size for better cannon mine "spelunking" on TZX-Mod. |
Arachnoid III Arthropoids Arachnoid's third ship, originally called BrownSpider. Notes: I changed Spider's ship design so that his wouldn't look quite so much like mine when we play together. |
Arachnoid IV Arthropoids Arachnoid's fourth ship. |
Arachnoid V Arthropoids Arachnoid's latest ship. Notes: Notice the addition of the "eyes", similar to my ship. |
Asha'man Literature In Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, the Asha'man are a group of male channelers. Those that are Dedicated (one rank above Soldier) wear a silver sword pin on their collars. Full Asha'man wear an additional Dragon pin. |
Asteroid Video Games From Atari's classic arcade coin-op Asteroids. |
Asteroids Ship Video Games Also from Asteroids. |
A-Wing Fighter Star Wars These fast attack craft appeared at the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. |
Banana General A banana. Notes: Sometimes I find it necessary to point out that even a chimp can play this game. |
Barking Swan Animals A swan. Notes: Named for the "barking" swans at a hotel in Honolulu, HI. I've actually never been there to see or hear for myself, but… I will need to make a seal ship for the "barking" seals at Pier 39 in San Francisco, CA, which we saw on our recent trip there. |
Baseball Card Hobbies A baseball card in a plastic screw-down holder. |
Base Stealer Sports A baseball player's cleated shoe. |
Bat Outta Hell General A bat flying at a great speed. Notes: I've read that the expression "like a bat out of hell" dates back to at least the turn of the 20th century. The ship itself is just a modification of "Fruit Bat". |
Battle Axe General A double-bladed battle axe. Notes: I may have been thinking of Dwarves and The Lord of the Rings when I made this. (Gimli used a double-bladed axe in the LotR films.) |
Battle Tank Video Games A standard tank from Atari's coin-op Battlezone. Notes: I've played many different ports of Battlezone, but have yet to play an actual arcade machine. (Or any of Atari's vector game machines, for that matter!) |
BEARS! Television, Animals A bear. Notes: A reference to Stephen Colbert's oft-stated "#1 Threat" on the "ThreatDown" segment of his show, The Colbert Report. For the ship I used a Mad Money bear squeeze toy as a model. • If the color version looks rushed, that's because it was. ;) |
Bee Video Games A… bee, I guess, from Namco's classic arcade coin-op Galaga. Notes: These are the guys who frequently do a U-turn when they pass you and try to hit you from behind. |
Berzerk Video Games A robot from the arcade game of the same name. Quote: "The intruder must not escape!" |
Big Ass Bone Mister Bone A big bone. Notes: Used for most of Mrnexrad's 'Bone' personae. For consistency, I made all of the 'Bone' ships the same color. |
Big Ass Egg General A BIG egg. |
Big Cheese General A wedge of cheese. |
Big Mac General A poor facsimile of a McDonald's Big Mac. Notes: Rest assured, though, that the color version will look MUCH better. (For one thing, it will have cheese!) |
Bite Me Bone Mister Bone A bone with a BITE taken out of it! |
Black Pyro Video Games The Black Pyro ship from Descent3, known for its almost unfair weapon ROF and missile capacity compared to the other ships. |
Blaster Video Games Based on the ship in Astrofire, an Asteroids-based DOS game. |
BlueBird Bus General Based on the "Mini-Bird" school bus made by BlueBird. A wheelchair lift is often installed on these smaller buses (though I didn't have room for one in the picture). Notes: This was Arachnoid's only contribution to the ships. As he's used a wheelchair for most of his life, he loves buses, and rode on one of these every day when he was in school. |
Bone Breaker Mister Bone A hammer… for breaking BONES! |
Bone Burier Mister Bone A shovel to BURY Bones! |
Bosconian Video Games The ship from the Namco coin-op of the same name. Notes: Bosconian is an interesting game, and one of the first coin-ops with a free-scrolling playing field (i.e., you can move in any direction, and the map wraps around). |
Booyah! Television Jim Cramer's financial TV show Mad Money has these cute bull squeeze toys all over the set. |
Borg Cube Star Trek "Q-Who?" (TNG), et al. Notes: Obviously, when I do the color version I'll be able to go into more detail than this. |
Brain General A brain. Notes: I was thinking of Dr. Brain when I made this. |
Brick General A brick. Good for breaking things, or for propping doors open. Notes: It was tricky to get the color just right. |
British Pound General My best rendition of the British pound symbol (£). Notes: Why yellow? Because it's a nice bright color. |
Broken Bone Mister Bone A bone broken in two. |
Buffet Money General The US dollar sign ($). Notes: The name comes from my uncle's advice regarding gambling at casinos: if you win big, you should "run, don't walk" to the BUFFET! |
B-Wing Fighter Star Wars These fighters appeared at the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. Notes: The B-wings have a unique gyroscopic cockpit module; hence the dorsal view here. |
Bzone Saucer Video Games The flying saucer that you can shoot for bonus points in Atari's Battlezone coin-op. Notes: There is a ship similar to this that comes with XPilot for Windows, but this one is closer to the one in the game. |