Change Log


Key: [TAG], Directory, CSS, HTML, HTML Element, JavaScript, OpenOffice Document, Text.




  • Mirrored (#23) after a long hiatus, the main cause of which was getting sucked into the Frozen fandom (to be explained in a future blog post).




  • Working on building the table in dosgal, starting with the thumbnail images.
  • Created 160px thumbnail images for dosgal.  Built the first row of the table, implemented widget in a new way (adding a new function to it), and worked out the border color manipulation puzzle (adding another new function).


  • Created dosgal.  Added the new pages to todo.
  • Created ddave, electro, epicpin, extreme, and wolf3d.  Created preview screenshots for these and for bats and jetpack.


  • Created new page banners for c64crutch, c64games, c64hard, and c64soft.


  • Created a new page icon for dos.
  • Created new page icons and banners for bats, comic, comic2, jetpack, as well as banners for the unwritten Dangerous Dave, Electro Man, Epic Pinball, Extreme Pinball, Spear of Destiny, and Wolfenstein 3-D pages.
  • Created a new page banner for dos.
  • Came up with a brainstorm for the root page banners (except for index).  The shape is basically the same, except instead of many small hexagons, I drew glowing (and non-glowing) lines to form the large hexagon shapes, and added a colored hexagon behind the site title (which is now on 2 lines instead of 3).


  • Fixed the links in the SDDM for the nintendo and smetroid pages, which unlike nintendo itself had not been corrected back in April.
  • Updated the page layout for the nintendo and smetroid pages.


  • Tweaked the rules for the update pane again, so that the line height is smaller and more-or-less constant.
  • Did a minor rewrite of the global CSS rules.  The old-style V-frame defs were moved to the stylesheets that still need them (jazz, nintendo, xpilot), the current V-frame defs have been rearranged a bit and made easier to read, and a single rule was added to the top, setting the height of the html and body for all pages to 100%.  This has the benefit of making the iframe for the update pane fill the height of the div it's in, when its height is set to 100% (which is what I wanted it to do in the first place), so I fixed the scrolling accordingly.
  • Made my own "Created using Vim" button.
  • Added some more info to about.


  • Finished applying the new update layout to changes, as well as simplifying the markup a bit.  I also did some merging of similar entries (e.g., two consecutive entries tagged as ROOT,CSS).



  • Came up with a better way of listing updates in the update pane, and adapted this for changes.  Also replaced the square bullets with round ones (it'll look better, trust me).
  • Came up with a new page icon and banner for c64.  It's a bit of a contrast against the dark background, but it's good enough.
  • Corrected a CSS error that was causing the hover color of the SDDM buttons to revert to the default on the C64 and DOS pages.
  • Converted dos et al. to use the new page layout.


  • Expanded todo to include columns for HTML, CSS, new V-frame, and JS implementation, with new icons for each.
  • Converted c64 et al. to use the new page layout.


  • Updated links.
  • Worked on about, adding 2 new photos.
  • Made a label for the update header.


  • Tried out new V-frame metrics: there is now a header over the update pane, with the background the same as the links bar, so it appears that the links bar spans the entire page.
  • Worked out a solution to the update pane scrolling (I made the text smaller, so there's more room for the scrollbar).
  • Created update pages upd-c64, upd-dos, upd-ntdo, and upd-xplt.
  • Updated the To Do list, using the status images (check, red X, etc) to assign priority.


  • Corrected expand so it uses a class selector rather than a element selector, in order to prevent it being invoked for every image on a page.
  • Created title images for the Oblivia Wire blog, and an image for the table of contents.


  • Tweaked the CSS for the update pane.
  • Finished catching up on changes.


  • Completed initial Oblivia Wire blog post, "Time flies like an arrow...", along with an expandable thumbnail of my new avatar, which has an image map you can hover over.


  • Added the global update pane (upd-root) to the rest of the root pages.
  • Rewrote index a bunch.
  • Compiled an approximate change log for 2012-Sep through 2013-Nov, and a full change log for 2014.
  • Made additional labels for changes.


  • Tried out a "global" update pane on the Test Hive using an iframe; works fine, so I'm going to implement it site-wide (upd-root will have all recent updates, while the other major site sections will show the most recent updates to just those sections).
  • Worked on todo a bit.
  • Started working on the site again.



  • At this point, work on smetroid stalled, at 63% complete.
  • Tweaked nintendo.css again.
  • Completed smetroid sections 2.1-2.6, 3.7-3.10, and 4.
  • Completed major and minor subdivider images.
  • Separated the divider titles from the horizontal bars, so that the titles are always centered properly.  (The desired effect was created by making the bar the background-image of an h4 element, with the title image as the h4's content.
  • Shortened the filenames of the divider images, and tweaked the CSS so that subdividers are the proper height.
  • Did some CSS tweaking, and made the guide's text justified.
  • Completed sections 3.1-3.6 in smetroid, and added all boss data to section 3.
  • Created a dashed hr image in Inkscape, as well as border images for boss data.
  • Worked on adding titles and dividers to the smetroid pages; if no image existed, I sourced it anyway, leaving a text placeholder.
  • Completed section 1.
  • Started designing zone dividers and section dividers for smetroid.


  • Changed the V-frame metrics, moving the update pane and page icon back to the left-hand side (it looks better).


  • Renamed the /nintendo/smtrd files again, to match up with the completed text guide.
  • Created a Super Metroid title graphic and TOC for the HTML guide.


  • Reworked the layout of nintendo, and added the newest guides to it.
  • Renamed the file names of guides/checklists so they don't have spaces.
  • Made a new Nintendo page icon.

2014-Mar through 2014-Jan


  • Started working on the Nintendo section again.


  • Designed a new Insectoid avatar using 3D CAD tools and Inkscape.  I plan to incorporate it into the site eventually.


  • Resumed work on and completed the Super Metroid text guide/walkthrough; it took approximately 7 weeks to complete from where I left off.


2013-Nov through 2013-Sep


  • Captured 123 additional DOS game screenshots (almost 200 total).



  • Captured and processed images from Dangerous Dave, and assembled all 10 maps from the game.



  • Haven't worked on the site in a while, but here's a mirror (#22).

2012-Nov through 2012-Sep


  • Captured and processed images from Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny; started assembling maps for Wolf3D, but did not finish.
  • Captured and processed images from Electro Man, and assembled maps for the first 7 levels (out of 10).


  • Captured and processed 227 new Jazz Jackrabbit images, taken directly from the game files (using a game data extracting program) so that all images are accurate.  I don't remember if I finished working on the captures or not; I got sidetracked designing custom JJ1 SVG fonts, and then by the above entry.


  • Minor changes to comic and comic2.



  • Improved the Descent icons.
  • Finished improving the captured images.
  • Finished improving the robot images; will do the rest of the captured images next.
  • Finished adapting the level pages; I even improved the planet photos.
  • Currently working on adapting the level pages to use a variant of the SDDM.
  • Finished updating the Descent non-captured images; I may still tweak the captured images with a filter to make them less blocky.
  • Started updating the Descent non-captured images to SVG.
  • Adapted the non-level pages to use the SDDM, but retained the current page layout (because I like it).


  • Updated the To Do list for the first time in a long while.


  • Finished reformatting nintendo with the new layout, though I still have a page banner and icon to make.
  • Tweaked the Status table a bit, so that the progress bars are correctly aligned within their borders on all browsers.


  • Mirrored (#21).
  • Eliminated the excess tt tags on todo, in favor of a CSS style.
  • Finished implementing widget.
  • Finally succeeded in making a unified collapse-a-widget (widget) that can collapse table rows or any block element.  Using the example of the SDDM, I used inline function calls to target elements with the specified class name, instead of wrangling with "this".  In writing it, I also provided a workaround for the visibility: collapse issue.


  • Redesigned the Status tables using multiple class selectors, thus simplifying the markup and making it easier to read.  I still need to get rid of the excess tt tags.
  • Mirrored (#20).
  • Added a favicon for the site; I don't know yet if it works.
  • Still working on simplifying the CSS.


  • At the same time, I've been working on making the CSS rules simpler, allowing for multiple class selectors on elements.
  • Still working on graphics; have completed the email and construction icons, the Change Log labels, and all bars, bullets, and Status page icons.



  • Began working on higher-quality versions of my Web graphics, creating them as SVGs in Inkscape and exporting to PNG.


  • Mirrored (#19).
  • Finished tweaking the drop-down menu colors on the root pages.


  • Consolidated the scripts used by most pages into common; the Simple Drop-Down Menu and related tab-page code for the new page layout is in sddm.


  • Fixed the Status / To Do collapse-a-widget (collapse-tr), at long last, so that the table metrics are unaffected, using the visibility: collapse property instead of display: none.  (I later learned that table metrics were affected because I used display: block instead of display: table-row!)  display: collapse has its own problems, though, as it is not supported correctly by all browsers.



  • Applied the new style to the root pages.  I may still have to tweak the CSS so that it looks right.
  • Finished restructuring the CSS stylesheets.  Site sections will now inherit most styles from /css/global.css, with section-specific styles being set in their own CSS files.  This restructuring slightly altered the metrics of some things; I will address them in due time.  Probably the most important thing I need to do is fix the Site Status table.


  • Mirrored (#18) so you can see what I'm doing.
  • Working heavily on a new page layout; the work in progress can be seen on the "Test Hive" (the link is on the home page).  Currently adapting a drop-down menu from to the test page, and working on abolishing button images in favor of anchor-blocks with inset/outset borders.



  • Mirrored (#17).
  • Started working on the colored versions of the SVG ships; at present, 93/335 are completed and optimized.
  • Added 2 new shipshapes ("Hear My Roar!", "Rammer"), and revised 3 ("Centipede Spider", "Dark Moon", "Gravitar"; the ship total is now 335.


  • Revised my and Spider's avatars a couple of times, and really went nuts on mine for the latest revision, adding quite a bit of detail.


  • Completed re-scaling the SVG ships to 53x53 px, for compatibility with IE 9 (which evidently cannot scale SVGs internally).  Hopefully, I'll implement these soon; but I will not be keeping the non-SVG ship pages just for compatibility with IE8.  (Sorry, folks.  If you have Windows XP, you'll just have to use another browser to view the ship pages.)
  • Renamed one shipshape ("Scouter Ship" → "Sentry Ship"); the ship count remains 333.


  • Created new avatars for me, Spider and the others (these are the color images on the main XPilot page) using the SVG ship images created earlier, as well as some clever Inkscape filters.


  • Mirrored (#16).
  • Added 3 new shipshapes, for a total of 333.



  • Worked a bit on the Links page.


  • Mirrored (#15).
  • Added 2 new shipshapes, and renamed one ("Mutant Bat" → "Space Captain"), for a total of 330.


  • Converted all 328 shipshapes to SVGs from a PDF document of a PostScript file generated by ship2ps.  Have yet to implement the SVGs in the shipshape pages.
  • Started playing around with Scalable Vector Graphics images.


  • Mirrored (#14).
  • Added 3 new shipshapes for a total of 328.
  • Added a clarification to the contact info on the 7 main pages.
  • SM64 guide is about 25% complete.



  • Began working on the text-only Super Mario 64 Guide.
  • Mirrored (#13).
  • Converted all existing MS Word format (.doc) game guides to OpenOffice Writer (.odt) format.


  • Mirrored (#12) to add one image, the Keith clan tartan.



  • Mirrored (#11).
  • First update of the new year (I know, I'm lazy); added 5 new shipshapes, for a total of 325.




  • Added 3 new shipshapes, for a total of 320.


  • Mirrored the site (#10) on 12/1.
  • Updated images and info for Eclipse to reflect the new name, Cells of Eclipse.



  • Added 7 new shipshapes, for a total of 317.



  • Mirrored the site (#9) on 10/30.  Finally got privileges to mirror the site myself whenever I need to.


  • Moved the rest of the newbie-related material from xpilot to xpnewb_01.


  • Updated basic release info for D1X/D2X-Rebirth v0.57.1.


  • Added a mirror-stamp to changes.
  • Added contact information to the main pages, at long last, and made a neat e-mail image to go with it.


  • Caught up on the Change Log again; this time I was nearly 3 months behind!  Decided to start putting context tags on the beginning of the entries here; it seemed like a useful idea.


  • Added 9 new shipshapes in the span of a week (it's a burst of creativity kind of thing) for a total of 310.



  • Updated xpilot.css.
  • Re-captured all of the XPilot object images, including some that I didn't have before (asteroids, for example).


  • Created xpnewb_04 (Basic Configuration).
  • Created /Images/XPilot/Newbie, some flying ship images for navigation, and special page title images.


  • Added a new yellow/black striped status bar to todo[It hasn't seen much use.]


  • Created xpnewb_03 (XPilot Gameplay).
  • Captured game window and HUD images.
  • Added some icons (Windows, Mac, Linux) for OS-specific sections of the guide.


  • Created xpnewb_01 and xpnewb_02 (the Introduction and XPilot Basics pages).
  • Created Insectoid's XPilot Newbie Guide, xpnewbie, updating pages as necessary.


  • Updated about.


  • In preparation for the XPilot newbie guide, I re-generated all of the map background images, and added several new ones.


  • Re-generated all of the map images and thumbnails; there are now just actual-size and full-size images as well as thumbnails.  This made the expand program make more sense as far as what to show when you click on an image.


  • Created a small red bullet image for the entries on changes.
  • Finally caught up on the Change Log (I was about a month and a half behind; this tends to happen a lot when I don't work on the site much).



  • Updated altShips.
  • Created new solid-white XPilot ship images for the ship selection bar; these are placeholders for the colored images I complete in the future.


  • Fixed some layout problems with xpships; everything should line up correctly now, and the targeted anchors are now the id tags of the table rows, not the text, so the ship names aren't cut off when you click on one in the selection bar.
  • Drew 16 new XPilot shipshapes in the span of a week or so, and added them to the ships pages.


  • Finished re-ordering the Change Log entries; eventually I'll be putting each entry on its own line(s).


  • Re-wrote collapse-tr, now collapse-tbl, to work with the new layout.
  • Redesigned the Status tables on todo the way they should have been done in the beginning (with one row for every filename, not one row for the whole directory); this should fix any potential image alignment problems in browsers.



  • Wrote a JavaScript program, altShip, for the XPilot shipshape pages which, like buttons, alters the image when you hover on it; for the ships pages this is the colored image.


  • Re-wrote nearly all the JavaScript programs I've written up to this point, in order to use better (and more compatible) event handling.  So, getDateMod and getDescMod are now getModified; tabPage and rollOver are now events and buttons (the former handles events for all the other programs); the expand and collapse* programs keep the same filenames, but utilize the new event management.


  • While I was creating inverted versions of the buttons, I redesigned the normal buttons slightly.
  • Wrote a set of JavaScript programs (tabPage, rollOver) to dynamically alter the sidebar buttons.  I had to re-write all of the pages for these programs (and use a not-yet-compliant HTML5 custom data attribute), and had to wrangle quite a bit with event handling, but the buttons now work like I had originally envisioned them in 2009: the button of the current page is permanently inverted and the link removed, and the other buttons invert when you hover over them.  (Until now, I had to produce this effect manually, by changing each page.)


  • Mirrored the site (#8) on 6/13.
  • Wrote a JavaScript program, expand, that will eventually allow you to expand the map thumbnails on the XPilot map pages (at the moment, only the Plasma Blast thumbnail is set up to use it).


  • Shortened the filenames of the pages in /nintendo/zelda, and shortened /nintendo/smetroid to /nintendo/smtrd; the long names did not fit on the redesigned Status page.


  • As part of this work, I started reversing the order of entries on changes, so that like an actual change log, the newest entries are first.
  • Wrote a JavaScript collapsing-section widget, collapse (the "collapse-a-widget"), primarily for changes and todo; a slightly different version (collapse-tr) is used for the latter (it collapses table rows instead of div elements).


  • Wrote a new CSS style sheet, /css/print.css, for printer-friendly pages, and linked it site-wide.  Its effects (removing sidebars, navigation, backgrounds, etc.) won't be noticeable unless you print or use a "Print Preview" function.  It is set to print in a serif font face (nominally Times New Roman).  I'm still working the kinks out of it, but it should be acceptable for now.


  • Changed the font face site-wide to sans-serif (nominally Verdana).


  • Mirrored the site (#7) on 6/04.


  • Finished implementing JavaScript timestamps.



  • Started implementing JavaScript timestamps site-wide (using getDateMod and getDateMirr; a modified version, getDescMod, is used for the Descent pages), except for todo, which with SSI makes it incompatible with JavaScript lastModified timestamps.


  • Started studying JavaScript.
  • Slightly redesigned todo, using SSI (Server-Side Includes) to add the modification time to each file listed in the status table; as such, it is now a .shtml file, so I had to do some site-wide link correction as well.


  • Finished fixing the table layout on the D1 weapons page.


  • Completed and verified the secret passages on the Descent level pages up through Level 8.


  • Finished transcribing the old Descent level pages (only 4 of which are complete); along the way, I re-rendered tiny versions of the scale-size robots to replace the abbreviations at the top of each page.


  • Mirrored the site (for only the fifth time!) on 5/10, and again on 5/13 (coincidentally, the four-year anniversary of the site going live!).


  • Continued working on the Descent pages, adding another new page, d1basics.



  • Created three new pages for the release data and availability of the 3 Descent games: d1gminfo, d2gminfo, and d3gminfo.


  • Re-did the majority of the Descent graphics, including but not limited to: new planet graphics (using actual photos from the 'Net), new navigational arrows (the 4 types of missiles), robot images rendered to scale, and banners and buttons using the Descent II TrueType fonts.


  • Work on the Nintendo pages came to a screeching halt when I started redesigning the Descent pages, drawing up some very nice new panel backgrounds for the page layout, and pulling some fancy CSS positioning tricks out of my hat to make it work.


  • Re-coded the root pages, C64 pages, DOS pages, and XPilot pages with the V-frames, and started on the Nintendo pages.  As part of this process, I changed all of the HTML file extensions from .htm to .html.



  • Started the next big leap of progress—banishing the frames pages, in favor of CSS-defined "virtual framesets" (or "V-frames").


  • Worked for several weeks on updated banner, bar, bullet, and button graphics for the next mirror.


  • Added 3 more new shipshapes to bring the total to 285.


  • Did a major reshuffle of the / and /Images folders, moving /descent and /jazz into /dos, and moving /Images/Descent, /Images/Jazz, /Images/Comic, and /Images/Comic2 into /Images/DOS.  These moves will require an enormous amount of image reference and hyperlink correction, but it will be more organized for when I implement CSS in those sections of the site.


  • Started adding bullets to separate entries on changes.


  • Added 5 new shipshapes for a total of 282.


  • Removed all of the code-clogging hyperlinks from changes (finally!).


  • Started working on some new, smaller bullet images, and plan to do new horizontal bars and other graphics as well.


  • Reworked index, links, changes, xpilot, and xpships_bot to use unordered lists with bullet images set in CSS.



  • While I've been re-coding, I've been manually tidying up the HTML and CSS code, wrapping all lines at 80 columns (for ease of editing in GVIM).


  • Expanded the todo page; it is now the Site Status / To Do page.  The Site Status portion will list the relative completeness of my re-coding efforts, as well as the percentage of page content completed.


  • Updated the xppiper page, banner, and button images to reflect the new domain name


  • Shortened the filenames of the ship images, and added a new full-color image on xpilot for Insectoid XI.


  • Added 9 new shipshapes for a total of 277.


2010-Apr through 2010-Jan


  • Added info, pix, and zips for { Hextank } to the xpilot pages.


  • Mirrored the site for the fourth time (finally) on 3/31.


  • Updated a few pages, including about, with a new photo and mini-bio, and xpilot for the latest releases.


  • Added 6 new shipshapes and replaced 1, for a total of 272 (60 since the last mirror).



  • Began working on the c64 pages, adding c64games, c64hard, c64soft, and c64crutch, for games, hardware, software, and the so-called "Hacker's Crutch", respectively, using /css/c64.css.


  • Re-did all of the banner and button images, using a uniform "font" size (the letters are all hand-drawn).  Created some ½-width buttons to represent the 6 main pages on pages other than the 4 root pages.


  • Re-coded xpilot, xpdown, xppiper, xpcmaps, xpimaps_1, and xpimaps_2 using /css/xpilot.css.



  • Created an "About" page (about).


  • Created new graphics for the root pages (fancy banners and buttons, and new Heighway dragon curve fractals for the _left pages (I got rid of the other "dragon" fractals).


  • Made the first steps toward another mirror, doing a site-wide hyperlink check.


  • Re-coded the root pages (index*, links*, todo*, and changes*) with /css/root.css.


  • Began studying and applying CSS (as well as proper HTML 4.01 DOCTYPE headers) to xpships* (using /css/xpships.css), doing an enormous amount of re-coding in the process.


  • Finished the new-style xpships pages (and thus xpshipsnew* became xpships*).

2009-Aug through 2009-Apr


  • Started work on a redesigned set of pages for the ships (xpshipsnew), which has an additional middle frame (xpshipsnew_mid) linking to the 6 ship pages, each with descriptions and notes on each ship.
  • Added 12 new shipshapes, for a total of 266 (54 since the last mirror).


  • Reworked xpilot, reorganizing and expanding the page and adding more detailed information.

2009-Mar through 2008-Dec


  • Added 6 new shipshapes, for a total of 254 (42 since the last mirror).


  • Added a bunch of new information to dos, touching on DOSBox and some of the classic games I've purchased in the last 6 months.

2008-Nov through 2008-Mar


  • Restructured xpships* so that it's easier to maintain; there are now six pages, arranged alphabetically (xpships_0-b, xpships_c-e, xpships_f-i, xpships_j-o, xpships_p-s, and xpships_t-z) with a total now of 248 shipshapes.


  • Revamped the XPilot pages, adding some new light-blue graphics.


  • Updated several of the game guides, but never got around to finishing any of the new HTML ones.  Oh well.

2008-Feb through 2008-Jan


  • Changed the zelda pages from white-on-green to black-on-white, to fit in with the two newer HTML guides.


  • Added 14 more shipshapes for a total of 226.


  • Began work on a Super Metroid HTML Guide (/nintendo/smetroid/smetroid).
  • Updated the Super Mario 64 Checklist, and added a Mario Pinball Land Checklist.


  • Added some info about BloodsPilot to xpilot.


2007-Dec through 2007-Sep


  • Updated the Donkey Kong Country, Diddy's Kong Quest, Legend of Zelda, and Super Mario World Guides.
  • Started a Donkey Kong Country 2 HTML Guide (/nintendo/dkc2/dkc2).


  • Mirrored the site for the third time on 11/09.


  • Split up xpmaps into xpimaps_1 and xpimaps_2, renamed xpmaps2 to xpcmaps, and renamed xpmaps_ft3p to xpimaps_2_pft3.
  • Added information and images for my newest XPilot maps, Fishtank III and Poly Fishtank III, to xpmaps.  The enlarged images for PFT3 are on their own separate page (xpmaps_ft3p).

2007-Aug through 2007-Jun


  • Mirrored the site for the second time on 8/18.


  • Did a major overhaul of the site (correcting broken links and case-sensitivity, removing meta tags, updating all the *_left pages, etc.)  Made left/, main/, and top/ folders for the /nintendo and /c64 folders, since I hadn't before, in the hopes I may add more pages in the future.


  • Created some fancy ship graphics for xpilot, and expanded that page a bunch.


  • Continued to work on graphics.


  • Did some work on the xpships* pages, and added 10 new shipshapes (total now is 212).


  • Began work on the Legend of Zelda HTML guide (zelda is the start page; the rest are numbered and titled by section), with its own image and page folders (/Images/Nintendo/Zelda and /nintendo/zelda, respectively).


  • Continued to work on graphics.



  • Did some work on the links page.


  • Captured some Windows 98 DOS prompt images (with folder names for the page titles) for the dos pages.


  • Minor updates, along with a /c64 folder, the initial C64 page (c64), and a captured graphic (the startup screen for the C64).


  • Split the Changes / To Do page into two pages, one for the Change Log (changes) and another for the To Do list (still todo).  The change log will only be hyperlinked from the todo page (and later, from the about page and menu), as it's mostly for my own reference (i.e., to remind me what the &$#% I worked on last).


  • Uploaded the website for the first time on 5/13.  (Subsequent uploads are cumulative, using a program on the local server, originally called mirror, to synchronize the files with those on the remote server.  Hence the term "mirror" used hereafter.)



  • Captured and imported over a hundred Comic and Comic II images, and completed comic and most of comic2.


  • Created a /dos folder, a DOS Games page, dos, and pages for Captain Comic 1 and 2 (comic and comic2), Bats (bats), and Jetpack jetpack).


  • Created a new Common XPilot Maps page, xpmaps2, and updated index and the *_left pages.


  • Removed all redundant hyperlinks on todo—not an easy task!  (I should have realized that they're all redundant!)


  • Various additions, including a new dragon fractal for the index, links, and todo pages, and imported my custom-made bullet and horizontal bar graphics.



  • Reorganized the directory structure of /, /descent, /jazz, and /xpilot by putting *_left pages in a left/ subdirectory, *_top, *_bot, and *_right pages in a top/ subdirectory, and *_main and *_mid pages in a main/ subdirectory.  This may make it take a little more clicking to convert no-frame pages to frames pages, but it's loads easier to edit existing ones.  (Well, actually it's not.)  Also corrected some more broken links.


  • Added another new shipshape (the total now is 202) and updated the appropriate pages.


  • Deleted the frameless pages in /descent, and did likewise in the /jazz directory.  Went through and made sure that there were no more filenames ending with _frames, and went through and corrected the Contents pages for broken links from my frameless page purge.


  • Did a bunch of work on the Descent pages, converting all the levels to frames pages, completing Levels 1, 2, 20, and S2, adding the secrets and triggered passages to Level 3, and adding the walkthrough for the first boss on Level 7.

2007-Feb through 2006-Aug


  • Moved all of the existing Star Wars ships from xpships3 to xpships2, making the latter page a combined Star Trek/Star Wars ship page.


  • Made quite a few minor updates, usually shipshapes.  35 additional shipshapes were added since 2006-Jul, for a total of 201.




  • Added the 166th shipshape to xpships_1, "Phony Bone", which was actually made back on 2006-05-01 (It's been a while), and edited the appropriate pages.  Also moved "Big Ass Egg" from xpships3 to xpships1.


  • Updated xpmaps, xppiper, xpdown, and index for Fishtank II, and added the appropriate files to /xpilot.  Modified Fishtank II several more times (and effectively wasted my time updating the files every single time).



  • Created the /nintendo directory, the nintendo frames page, and imported my current game guides.  Created Super Mario 64 Checklist, and spent a week revising it (and beating the game for the first time in one week :D ).



  • Updated all of the *_left pages, and created a new one for the six Jazz episode pages, similar to the one I did for d1_lvl01_frames.  Did link corrections for jje1_* through jje6_*.


  • Converted jje1, jje2, jje3, jje4, jje5, and jje6 to frames pages (usual suffixes).  Did a bit of rearrangement of the bookmark links on those six pages; instead of being on jazzplanets (which I couldn't figure out how to get working right with frames), they are now located at the top of each episode page.
  • Converted jazzjackrabbit, jazzitems, jazzobjects, jazzplanets, and jazzweapons to frames pages (with the usual suffixes).


  • Added a background image for the three root *_left pages, a dragon-like fractal generated by an open-source program called Fractal Forge.


  • Took the first step toward an all-frames site (*headdesk*), removing the frameless pages from the / and /xpilot directories, and adjusting the *_left pages accordingly.  So, those pages suffixed _frames had their suffixes removed (I kept the shortened filenames), and their originals deleted.  Did code cleanup while I went, and making link and image ref. corrections, mostly due to messed-up case sensitivity.  (Editing the pages using FrontPage 2000 under Windows 98 sometimes goofed up the hyperlinks to all-uppercase, etc., so I did my best to set the links to the files' "actual" case so that broken links didn't crop up later on.)


  • Updated all *_left pages.
  • Converted xpships_1 through xpships_3 to frames pages.


  • Converted descentrobots to d1robots_*, which, in addition to _top and _left frame, also has _right and _bot frames.  It doesn't look quite right yet; I'll have to work on it.


  • Began adding XPilot screenshots for the xp*_left pages, courtesy of the xp-replay program.


  • Updated all *_left pages, and created a modified one for d1_lvl01_frames with each level number listed.  Added a bit of information to the pages along the way, and made a few corrections.
  • Converted todo, links, descentlevels, d1_lvl01, xpilot_piper, and xpilot_ships to todo_*, links_*, d1levels_*, d1_lvl01_*, xppiper_*, and xpships_*, respectively.


  • Made the meta tags on the pages uniform site-wide, and did a bit of code cleanup.


  • Converted xpilot, xpilot_maps, and xp_downloads to frames pages (renamed xpilot_*, xpmaps_*, and xpdown_*, respectively).


  • Began experimenting with frames on the descent page, and in doing so split it into four pages (suffixed _frames, _top, _left, and _main, for the frameset, top frame, left frame, and right frame, respectively).  Also converted index to a frames page (same suffixes).


  • Color-coded descent and added some more details.
  • Did some code cleanup on descent, xpilot_maps, and xpships_1.


  • Modified Fishtank a bit, and updated its files in /xpilot, as well as xpilot_piper and xpilot_maps.


  • Expanded descent a bit.
  • Did some work on index.



  • Updated xpships_1.


  • Finished descentweapons.  Worked a bunch on d1_lvl*, adding timestamps, copyright tags, and navigation arrows for each.


  • Added 3 new shipshape images, and put them in xpships_1.  Updated xpilot_ships.  There are 165 total ships now.


  • Worked a bit on descentweapons.


  • Figured out which shipshape image I had forgotten ("Air Mail") and added it to xpships_3, bringing the total, at last, to 162.  Updated xpilot_ships.


  • Completed d1_lvl01.


  • Added hyperlinks to every page reference in this log (since corrected!)


  • Added two new shipshape images, and updated xpilot_ships.  That makes 161 ships (should be 162; one is missing).


  • Split up xpilot_ships into xpships_1, xpships_2, and xpships_3, because otherwise that long page of ships is WAY too big and takes too long to load.  Put all of the shipshape images into tables to relieve myself of the hassle of spacing them out manually.


  • Created d1_lvl01 through d1_lvl27 and d1_lvlS1 through d1_lvlS3.  Did some work on descentlevels and d1_lvl*, and a LOT of work on descentrobots.


  • Reorganized the root (/) folder; Jazz Jackrabbit pages are now in the /jazz folder, Descent pages in the /descent folder, and XPilot pages in the /xpilot folder.


  • Captured and imported a bunch of Descent images.  Worked a bunch on descent*.


  • Created descent, descentweapons, descentrobots, and descentlevels, and updated index.



  • Condensed todo a bit, and added the Saturn background image (since removed).


  • Worked a lot on jazz* and jje*.  Created custom arrows and put them at the top of each Jazz episode, hyperlinking them together.


  • Added two more shipshape images, and updated xpilot_ships.  That makes 159 now.


  • Imported some more Jazz images, and added jjeX95.  Put enemies and objects into tables.


  • Updated index.
  • Imported jazzjackrabbit, jazzitems, and jazzenemies.  Created jazzobjects and jazzweapons, and split jazzenemies into jje1 through jje6, jjeA through jjeC, jjeX, and jjeZ_bonus; the main planets page was renamed to jazzplanets.  Did LOTS of work on jazz* and jje*.


  • Updated Fishtank files and its entry in xpilot_maps.
  • Did a bunch of file renaming and removing of unnecessary files.


  • Created and imported all 158 shipshape images, creating and completing xpilot_ships.


  • Added hyperlinks for each map archive, contained in the /xpilot directory (later changed to /xpilot/maps), to xp_download and updated all of the map images and archives.


  • Edited xpilot_maps, and updated for Plasma Speed Tunnel, Plasma Blast V, Crazy Fishfight, and Fishtank.


  • Added timestamps to index, links, todo, and xpilot.


  • Did a bunch of work on xpilot, and imported xp_download, xpilot_piper, xpilot_maps, and xpilot_ships.



  • Began building the new site; created index, todo, xpilot, and links.  Retrieved some images from the Geocities site.

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